it's been about 2 weeks since i came to south korea. let me tell you, it's like nothing i've ever experienced. it's beautiful, it's new, it's amazing, and it's more than i could have imagined. however as much as i love it, i think i may have chose the wrong country to make this big leap into. i guess i never imagined how it would be to look korean and not actually speak the language. foreigners never approach me because i look korean, koreans speak to me and i am unable to communicate with them. sometimes i can't help but feel lonely. they say that this kind of freedom is something that many envy, but sometimes freedom comes with many consequences. sure freedom means there is no one to hold you back, but it also means there is no one to hold your hand. i'm out here in the world alone, in a country where nobody speaks my language. i mean i'm sure it gets easier, but shopping and getting around is frustrating because people look at me and just assume that i am korean. i don't blame them of course because i get that even when i'm in california. i guess what i am trying to say is to forgive me for needing to be a home body sometimes and not exploring this whole new world around me. i went exploring today, i got lost and had to take a cab home. it's not too bad because it's only $2 but it's just that feeling where you don't know anything. i mean anything at all. i think after this year, i might try going to taiwan for a year to teach english. i know i definitely want to continue traveling. i think i just need to find my own niche. i am still young, and i still need some sort of connection with the world that is familiar to me. i have co-workers, but we all have different interests. i know i have to grow up, but sometimes i can't help but feel a little lonely. i am not going to give up and come home, but i think i definitely need to pick up the language soon.
"Is it any wonder I'm tired?
Is it any wonder that I feel uptight?
Is it any wonder I don't know what's right?
Oh, these days, after all the misery made,
Is it any wonder that I feel afraid?"
-Is it Any Wonder? (Keane)
you should just start wearing "Starcraft" t-shirts and (insert other stereotypical korean action)
I would've gotten an anxiety attack if I had gotten lost in a foreign country, especially if I didn't know the language! I think that's always been a fear, because I got lost once when I was a kid - even though that was just ChinaTOWN and in California, haha. I'm glad you got back though! If it makes you feel better my eye i so itchy, it's killing me!
buy a shirt of Uncle Sam and wear it at all times, lol, you wont get confused for a korean as much. btw hopefully that feeling slowly fades away into something better, im sure a bit of it will beggin to fade away as soon as u start feeling more "at home" as hard as that sounds im sure it will slowly begin to happen. like i said before u left maybe in a year u wont even want to leave, lol, gl w learning the language but im sure ull do better as time passes.
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