Friday, January 9, 2009

Pictures from Taiwan

me on the train to iran city in taiwan...
my crazy parents
me and my father
crazy lady (mother), grandmother and me
the gate like they have in korea too in the middle of the city.
mmm...more stinky tofu stands...
dragonfruit...they look cool.
my favorite fruit...LOVE IT!!
a jam packed market...
making the food...
sweet ginger riceball soup
meatball noodle soup...
oyster pancake with sauce and an egg.
delicious booth food...oh and i saw a cockroach on the wall as i was eating....mmmm yum :P
some sort of meat filled rice ball.
stinky tofu!
night market food...
night market shopping.
chian kai chek memorial place
taiwan flag...
chian kai chek memorial place
taipei 101
taipei's fastest elevator? 80+ floors in 35 sec.
shopping for clothes at the market
stinky tofu stand...mmmm yummy!!
a toy store...
street markets..
taipei subway system
family and crazy lady...oh yah that's my mother...the crazy lady...
grandmother, me and crazy lady...
my grandmother and i, my first day in taiwan.
"i'm tired...i want to sleep"
"take a picture of me"
"stop taking pictures of me"
my friend being crazy...
this is actually a decent picture of me...
hanging out...
after the concert
the concert finished...
my friend peter's saxophone solo...
saxophones are awesome
play it it! haha...
iran high school
my man looks cool no? :)

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