Let me tell you about Bob, but before I can I must tell you how Bob and I met in the first place.
So I went fishing for the first time yesterday in a small pond, in a small city just outside of my small city. That's where I met Bob. I sat there with my fishing pole waiting patiently for something to tug at it. For a long time there was nothing but the sound of the bugs buzzing and chirping around me. Finally, when I was looking away out of the corner of my eye I saw it move. So I quickly snatched the pole from it's stand and pulled in my catch. There was Bob, flying towards me because I can't control my pole for the life of me. It was not a pleasant meeting. My friend had to go move his car so it was only me and Bob. He was flopping around on the ground gasping for air while I panicked not knowing what to do with him so I took the plastic bag on the floor and very carefully picked him up and put him in the fish net bag. My first catch, I was very excited and as the day progressed I tried to find more friends for him but all I caught was this tiny little fish. (also came flying at me cause I apparently suck at this.) I put him into the fish net bag as well. I got bored of being taunted by the fish so I let my friend do the rest of the work. By the end of the day we'd caught about 10 friends for Bob. Oh and we also caught his father...this big fish about the length of my forearm. Bob and his father swam around in the fish net baggy while we tried to reunite his family. Bob's mom got away. Lucky mom...my friend was nice enough to release Bob and his friends back into the lake before we went home. Bob's father wasn't so lucky. The Koreans made a spicy hot bath for him and had him for supper.
Poor Bob...now he has no father, but I guess it's better this way because from what I hear...he was a wife beater. Next time I go back to this pond I'll make sure to say hi to him again. Bob...my very first fish. Fishing was more amusing this way. I don't know why people find it relaxing. It actually stresses me out. haha...
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