so i'm actually back in wonju because traveling is tiring and school starts on monday. i did some shopping, enjoyed my time in seoul, minus the overcrowded subway system. the coex mall is nice but i mean, it's no american mall :P i did enjoy the converse store. they have this same pair in black and beige with red and beige laces. that pair was awesome too but i think i'll wait til my first paycheck before i decide to go out shopping again. tomorrow will be spent exploring my own city in which i was too sick to do my first week here. enjoy the pictures, and COMMENT DAMN IT!! only one person commenting. makes me sad :'(

my new chucks, i got them in seoul at the converse store in the COEX mall. aren't they awesome? i love them!!

inside tombs park in gyeong-ju, south korea

the burial mound of the sillas in gyeong-ju. i thought it looked like the place from delightful girl chun hyang.

one of a set of 3 stone pagodas, and yes i was lazy to rotate the picture.

the view almost looks like a painting...i love it. this is from the top of a temple in gyeong-ju. i forget which temple but's nice

dinner at an overpriced japanese restaurant

i like my hat because it usually covers at least 1/4 of my face

bamboo grove

cool looking figure in the temple, not sure if i was allowed to take a picture, but i did it anyway...

he was the first guy's pal

temple entrance

i thought the roof design was pretty badass

travel buddies and me in busan

temple in pusan, beomusa? i forget it's something like that. it's amazing how peaceful it feels out there

don't we look like dumbasses in these outfits? haha

another bathhouse picture as promised, i didn't take the picture, nor was it taken on my camera, that's why it's so blurry
you have man shoes
ok yeah i do not approve of those outfits at all...i think maybe i should save those pictures and use them against you for the rest of your life
That roof is amazing!
I'm so glad that you're blogging about your time in Korea. I was going to ask you to before you left, but it is something I forgot to do. I'm linking you up, by the way, in my friends list on my site.
I miss ya and hope you're having fun. I'm in New Mexico right now, but I have a little care package planned for you that I'll send off when I get back home.
Take care of yourself.
I will never get the picture of you in that outfit out of my head-ever!! BTW...I'm burning that hat when you get home.
Hey, let's hang out sometime ;)
FINALLY SOME COMMENTS!!! haha thanks guys. i'm thinking anonymous #1 might be dominique? and STACE you're not gonna burn my hat. it's been everywhere with me. actually it's been getting damaged from me stuffing it in my backpack. and Ms. Wenger thanks for linking me and oooo CARE PACKAGE! i'm excited :) i feel loved...unlike out here where i'm rejected on all fronts lol. i'm not korean, but i'm not really "american" either...
Aww, how'd you know it was me? =P
lol from one comment to 9, ur plead for commments has been answered, btw are those shoelaces brown and white or black and white, if brown throw them out, lol. seems like fun overall
i like this roof design. it is awesome.
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