Friday, November 28, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
sorry i've been MIA lately. i guess everything's been the same lately so i didn't feel the need to update much. life here is pretty much the same, the same routine, the same roads, the same people, pretty boring. ohhh...except we got a new teacher. i got to chat with her for awhile, she's pretty cool ^^ it seems that a lot of people who don't really know what they want from their lives came here to find themselves.
i went to a korean pro basketball game yesterday. it was pretty bad compared to of course the NBA which i was more used to watching. however it got better towards the end. my city's team won. i've been watching a lot more sports lately, including the asia series for baseball. taiwan beat korea hehe...i was like HAHA!!'s a sunday afternoon and i have work later on tonight, i have another training session even though i've been here for almost an entire year.
i think i'm due for a year update. i guess next month when i reach my year mark, i will do a big long reflection of my year here. i'm such a nerd, sometimes on my free time i go through itunes U and listen to cal lectures. psych lectures of course :) they're interesting. right now i'm listening to psych 156? Human emotion. i know..i have no life. what do you expect from me? i watched some korean dramas and some chinese ones. i gotta make sure my chinese doesn't get rusty because of all the time i've spent here. this update is for david who told me to update my blog more.
i caught up with many friends yesterday. i talked a little to anna, david, henry, peter, and will. i really miss my friends. so cal and nor cal ones. i miss the days when we would play guitar hero all day, go snowboarding, play pictionary, go clubbing, play taboo, play we're scattered all over the world each carrying on with our own lives. of course i realized that we weren't always going to be together, but it makes me a little sad that we'll never be able to return to those days. i'm too sentimental. stupid will said i turned into such a sap. oh well...tis my life now walking the same streets of my small city thinking about my friends and family. i need to come home again soon. i really want to make it back for the holidays, but i can't because i have no money. $2400 a pop for a week is NOT practical.
i honestly don't know if i made the right decision to stay here longer but...i made my decision, i just gotta live with it now.
i went to a korean pro basketball game yesterday. it was pretty bad compared to of course the NBA which i was more used to watching. however it got better towards the end. my city's team won. i've been watching a lot more sports lately, including the asia series for baseball. taiwan beat korea hehe...i was like HAHA!!'s a sunday afternoon and i have work later on tonight, i have another training session even though i've been here for almost an entire year.
i think i'm due for a year update. i guess next month when i reach my year mark, i will do a big long reflection of my year here. i'm such a nerd, sometimes on my free time i go through itunes U and listen to cal lectures. psych lectures of course :) they're interesting. right now i'm listening to psych 156? Human emotion. i know..i have no life. what do you expect from me? i watched some korean dramas and some chinese ones. i gotta make sure my chinese doesn't get rusty because of all the time i've spent here. this update is for david who told me to update my blog more.
i caught up with many friends yesterday. i talked a little to anna, david, henry, peter, and will. i really miss my friends. so cal and nor cal ones. i miss the days when we would play guitar hero all day, go snowboarding, play pictionary, go clubbing, play taboo, play we're scattered all over the world each carrying on with our own lives. of course i realized that we weren't always going to be together, but it makes me a little sad that we'll never be able to return to those days. i'm too sentimental. stupid will said i turned into such a sap. oh well...tis my life now walking the same streets of my small city thinking about my friends and family. i need to come home again soon. i really want to make it back for the holidays, but i can't because i have no money. $2400 a pop for a week is NOT practical.
i honestly don't know if i made the right decision to stay here longer but...i made my decision, i just gotta live with it now.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
another month...
wow...another month has passed. time seems to slip by and stop like a crazy rollercoaster malfunction. tossing me around. maybe many of you don't know that i've actually decided to extend my stay here for various reasons. part of me is regretting my decision while the other part is trying to make the best of my time here...
life is a funny thing, it offers you so many choices. not all of the ones you make will be good, but you've made them anyway. some are right, some are wrong, some are inevitable, and some you just need to deal with on your own. if you ask i happy now? at this point in my life, am i happy with the choices that i've made so far? well...honestly i don't know. only time can tell.
things could be better here..but then again things could be worse too. i'm just trying hard to take things one day at a time. i went to the dentist today. i need to get a bridge, that will cost me about a month's pay to get all the work i want done. i spend a lot of time alone, thinking...trying hard to figure out what i want to do later on in life. i'll be 23 soon. the new year is coming, bringing another year of challenges my way. i made a lot of bad choices last year...hopefully this year will be better. soon i'll make my new year's resolutions and try again to follow through with them.
*sigh* 잘 몰라요...
life is a funny thing, it offers you so many choices. not all of the ones you make will be good, but you've made them anyway. some are right, some are wrong, some are inevitable, and some you just need to deal with on your own. if you ask i happy now? at this point in my life, am i happy with the choices that i've made so far? well...honestly i don't know. only time can tell.
things could be better here..but then again things could be worse too. i'm just trying hard to take things one day at a time. i went to the dentist today. i need to get a bridge, that will cost me about a month's pay to get all the work i want done. i spend a lot of time alone, thinking...trying hard to figure out what i want to do later on in life. i'll be 23 soon. the new year is coming, bringing another year of challenges my way. i made a lot of bad choices last year...hopefully this year will be better. soon i'll make my new year's resolutions and try again to follow through with them.
*sigh* 잘 몰라요...
Sunday, September 28, 2008
my heartache

it honestly started off as a fling, he couldn't even speak English. then as time passed, he became the reason for half of the stress in my korean life. let's say that l o v e is blind because seriously...we could not be more different. most of the time i'm very blunt and open about my thoughts/feelings. i'm really picky about my food and he hates that. but his personality is, he likes to keep everything inside. if i'm sad, or stressed he can't see it, he doesn't notice anything. he likes staying home and watching tv. i love going out and doing different things like bike riding, hiking, etc... he loves sleeping, whenever he's tired he's the crankiest person i've ever met. almost worse than diana when she doesn't get enough sleep!! but...of course there are good things about him too. even though i'm sure he can't see them.
he tells me that i'm so young, and there are so many smarter, younger, and better men out there. often he asks me why i liked him. i's that person on the inside that i so rarely see, but i know is there that i fell in love with. he can't understand it now, because he can only see the superficial reasons why we probably shouldn't be together but hopefully in time he'll understand that languages can be learned, age is...only an issue if you always think about it, and only time can tell what will happen next. you cannot expect the worst...
i tell him he's a heartless robot, and he claims he has a heart but i often i don't believe it. sometimes you really really can't help who you fall for. we have fun together and i hope that the rest of the time we have together, however long that may be, is happy and memorable because life is too short. lately things have been going dare i say well? maybe he'll keep his word and we can go pyeongchang together to see his cousins and his sister sometime. i would like to believe that people can change...but that means i have to trust and to believe that i can change as well.
life fucking never turns out the way you plan. i'm taking it one day at a time because if you look any farther, you'll only be blinded by the daunting light.

Thursday, September 25, 2008
is it any wonder...
sorry i've been MIA lately. i got a new class and it feels like i'm back at the beginning again. teaching ABC's, colors, and numbers. it's easy and stupid hard at the same time. i'm so used to having speech and communications classes where essentially all i do is get them to talk. i have kids that can't understand English and try to speak to me in Korean. they're new to the school so they've still got discipline problems and i'm not exactly the most authorative teacher so i usually send them to someone scary.
as for other things, life is alright. it's the same old same old.
as for other things, life is alright. it's the same old same old.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
am i sleeping?
Saturday, September 6, 2008

Friday, August 15, 2008
long way to go...
Was it you
who said that you could never get enough of me?
Did you confess
that when we were alone you had to tell yourself to breathe?
So maybe I should feel a little more like I've been living in a dream.
But I'm asking you,
should I stay?
Even though I love you,
I can't help think about if I'd be better without you.
If we stay together,
It could get worse yet again maybe it could get better.
Even though I love you,
I can't help think about if I'd be better without you.
Something's wrong we both know,
that you and I still got a long way to go.
A long way to go.
If I would leave tomorrow,
You'd be the last to know.
-The Click Five (Long Way to Go)
who said that you could never get enough of me?
Did you confess
that when we were alone you had to tell yourself to breathe?
So maybe I should feel a little more like I've been living in a dream.
But I'm asking you,
should I stay?
Even though I love you,
I can't help think about if I'd be better without you.
If we stay together,
It could get worse yet again maybe it could get better.
Even though I love you,
I can't help think about if I'd be better without you.
Something's wrong we both know,
that you and I still got a long way to go.
A long way to go.
If I would leave tomorrow,
You'd be the last to know.
-The Click Five (Long Way to Go)
Sunday, August 3, 2008
leaving again...

Sunday, July 27, 2008
a break
so for those who actually read this...i'll be back in LA for a week. i'm flying home today, so i should be in town by 6pm tomorrow. WEEEEE!!!! i'm excited. i don't think i've felt this excited to go home...EVER!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Monday, July 7, 2008
an old post, a life update

an introduction:
for those of you who don't know me, i am a recent graduate from the university of california at berkeley. it's actually not easy to know what you want to do with your life at this age. you may think that a degree from berkeley can land you any job you want, it is the biggest lie they tell you. with an education like this, you do not have many options in terms of the amount of useful knowledge you have. this type of higher education will only lead you to academia or more school. you cannot finish with a bachelors, you have to get a masters, a phd. it never ends. however, if you do decide to put your education on hold and don't mind not living expensively then i suggest you figure out yourself. and what i mean by that your life. travel the world while you are young, see the things you want to see, do the things you want to do. because once you get a career, it'll be hard to leave.
as hard as it was to leave my friends and family, i think that the decision i made was a good one. it was my first christmas away from home and the first birthday without my friends. as time passes, things get easier to deal with and i realize that this is only part of the growing up process. currently i am living in south korea. i live in a very small city where a cab fare from one side of town to the other will only cost you about $3. the small kids can walk by themselves on the street without the fear of being kidnapped. kids are not kids, they do not play outside, they study from morning till night. one of their stops in the day is my classroom. i am an english teacher in wonju, south korea. my kids are amazing and they make every day bearable. i think by the end of this year, i'll have learned more from them about myself then i ever could have by myself. (January 8th, 2008)
what you thought you need...
an update:

i started kumdo class and i quit guitar but i still enjoy playing. i love when i learn something new, and i love watching people play. i just wish there was some way to turn back time and erase all the bad things that had happened but that's just wishful thinking. now all i can do is make the best of my time here. get a yellow belt in kumdo? and try to help my kids learn as much as they can and have as much fun with me so that i've at least positively influenced at least one person's life. also so i can find some meaning in my life. (July 7th, 2008)
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Monday, June 30, 2008
breaking up
i guess there is no real easy way to break up. but what is the point of staying in a relationship that makes you tired? it's like a bad affair that needs to end. i really just liked the idea of him, someone to complain about your day to, someone who tells you stories about their life, and someone to tell you good night. but...when i look at other couples, they're really happy, where with us, when we hug we're scared that someone will come down the stairs. life just shouldn't be lived like this. secondly, my passion for guitar seems to have dwindled too. i think i'm going to quit playing.
Friday, June 13, 2008
to do list
i was finally able to take some things off my list of "things to do in korea". i made korean friends, experienced korean culture, and am taking guitar lessons. soon i will be able to take off the "go to DMZ" because i am going this Sunday! WOOT!! i think sometimes i forget how old i am when i am out here. at times i feel like a little kid, other times i feel like life is so serious i don't know how to deal with it. in reality what am i? i just want to take life one day at a time.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
to love is to be able to let go
i guess it can be hard to understand how i feel right now or even to find a simple solution to a complicated problem. i believe that because you care about someone, you should let them go. when you care about someone, you want them to only be want to spare them from pain, you want to see them smile every day even if you are not the reason anymore. in time...the pain will fade and we'll be grateful for making the right decision. maybe somewhere down the road in the future...when we're making our new lives without each other in it, we'll be happy with the memories we had and be glad that we decided to be friends instead. and when i leave...i want to smile and say...i will miss you. i want to come back one day and remember everything we've been through whether it be good or bad. i want to remember the life we built together in this year, and laugh away all the pain. is all this too much to ask?
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
weezer - best friend
of course weezer said it a bit more cheesy, but my shout out today is for my best friend. i've gotten many packages so far. THANK YOU EVERYONE!!! today i got the best one thus far (i know they were alllllll awesome) but this had special meaning to me. she picked everything out and wrote a little message on everything. it gave me a reason to want to come back to the states. not many of you know what's actually happening at my house right now, a lot of drama that makes me never want to go back home. however...there's always those days that bring you back and remind you of why you should go back. at least to CA. there are a few people i would like to see again. family excluded. fucking assholes i say.
my coworkers say i'm spoiled. they're like your family sent you so much stuff. i'm like family? what are you talking about? these things are all from my friends!!! i have this kid in my new class that looks like my bitchy cousin when she was little. i hate that woman, she is part of the cause of this family turmoil as well. so now not only is that class difficult to teach because the kids are at different levels, the ugly girl is there. she's dark and weird looking like...i dunno, it's an awful thing to say i know, but jeezzzz this class is NOT CUTE at all. and the cutest kid in class is an obnoxious brat. he's smart but man he needs an attitude adjustment.
ok ok less ranting. more praising!! the box that came today had a little of everything. it really was pretty awesome. i got some victoria secret undies, a cute bra, a tank, key topper, candy, cookies, a plushie, stationary, pens, magnets, chapstick (which is awesome because i lost mine and couldn't find it!!!!), and other various things. CHRISTAL!! you rock :) thanks so much.
currently my dog is throwing a tantrum and i think she wants to eat me. >.< i think i will leave her in the computer room tonight. usually i let her sleep on the floor in my bedroom.
and of course i want to thank everyone who sent me stuff. thanks for keeping me connected to a world outside of dog poop, kid snot, correcting english, and being an entertainer for 30+ hours a week. THANKS! Christal, Staci, Angelina, Alan, Ms. Wenger, and Connie! i miss you guys
my coworkers say i'm spoiled. they're like your family sent you so much stuff. i'm like family? what are you talking about? these things are all from my friends!!! i have this kid in my new class that looks like my bitchy cousin when she was little. i hate that woman, she is part of the cause of this family turmoil as well. so now not only is that class difficult to teach because the kids are at different levels, the ugly girl is there. she's dark and weird looking like...i dunno, it's an awful thing to say i know, but jeezzzz this class is NOT CUTE at all. and the cutest kid in class is an obnoxious brat. he's smart but man he needs an attitude adjustment.
ok ok less ranting. more praising!! the box that came today had a little of everything. it really was pretty awesome. i got some victoria secret undies, a cute bra, a tank, key topper, candy, cookies, a plushie, stationary, pens, magnets, chapstick (which is awesome because i lost mine and couldn't find it!!!!), and other various things. CHRISTAL!! you rock :) thanks so much.
currently my dog is throwing a tantrum and i think she wants to eat me. >.< i think i will leave her in the computer room tonight. usually i let her sleep on the floor in my bedroom.
and of course i want to thank everyone who sent me stuff. thanks for keeping me connected to a world outside of dog poop, kid snot, correcting english, and being an entertainer for 30+ hours a week. THANKS! Christal, Staci, Angelina, Alan, Ms. Wenger, and Connie! i miss you guys
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
No Worries
i'm sorry for worrying you guys lately with strange posts that have no real explanations except vague hints of what's happening here in Korea. some of you know the whole story, some of you know parts of it, and some of you can laugh with me about it when i finally come home. it's funny that i know when i come home, Korea will only be a year of my life that will be filed away in my memory bank. it will be just another few pages in my scrapbook. this blog will be evidence that life happened in korea, but it's such a short time that it's probably insignificant. i'll go back to waiting in line with my friends at best buy for stupid sales that probably aren't worth it. i'll go back to studying, the friends i've made here will be people i occasionally email with and maybe i'll come visit some time in the future. but it's hard when you're on opposite sides of the world, time differences, etc... i'm sure the same thoughts are going through their minds, when i get ready to leave they'll have to get used to life without me. it's funny how much things have changed already because of my existence. i brought about a change in terms of treating people by age, and how i speak to them. i see them all as my friends, but in korea, only people who are the same age are considered friends, everyone else is either a younger sister/brother, or older sister/brother. and they're going from zero english to not being afraid anymore. as much of a negative influence i can be sometimes, i brought about some positive changes as well. hopefully in the future they won't feel threatened by foreigners.
my friends! don't worry about me, i'm ok. :) it's already may, i have a concert coming up at the end of this month, and then it will already be june!. that will mean i'll have reached my half way mark!!! whooott!! then i'll be 6 months away from coming home.
my friends! don't worry about me, i'm ok. :) it's already may, i have a concert coming up at the end of this month, and then it will already be june!. that will mean i'll have reached my half way mark!!! whooott!! then i'll be 6 months away from coming home.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Friday, May 16, 2008
teacher's day
yesterday was teacher's day in korea. that meant that many of the students brought us gifts. i got a couple of flowers, a cake, some chocolates, and a bottle of shampoo. i know it's been a long time since i've written about my students because life outside of school has been so hectic. my students are crazy, they're smart, they're cute, and....sometimes they're awful. haha i don't know how many times i've had to tell the same kids to sit down in their seats, on their butts and not on their knees. i think being a teacher makes me appreciate all the teachers i've had in my life that have pushed me to do my best and believe in me. i think sometimes some kids just need that person to push you, be patient and try to help you understand. somehow i don't think i am the right person, but i think most of the kids are learning. it's hard to focus on the strugglers when you can see all the potential in the other students that are excelling in a class. if the whole class was at the same level it would be easier to put more focus on each kid, but i have one class that is really smart and they put a really young girl in there. i feel bad when i can't focus on her because we're moving so fast through the material. the other 4 students have been my students since i first started teaching at this school. they're my pride and joy. they've only been my students and nobody else's. it's amazing to watch them improve, grow up, and get so big so fast! i had some kids that didn't know their ABCs and now they're blasting through tests with perfect scores. i'm so proud of them, i hope that with the rest of my time here i can change some lives for the better and be a memorable part of their young lives.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
what is real and what is fiction?
sometimes i feel like my stories are so outlandish they can't be true. however, as much as i wish they weren't true i find myself living in a drama. i used to watch them on tv and laugh at the stupidity of love triangles. how can it be possible for someone to go so far to get someone who doesn't love you back?! i know. blackmail and deceit, dramas don't drift too far from the truth.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
can you actually die from boredom? sometimes i feel it is quite possible. living life in another country should be filled with excitement and adventure no? am i wrong? boredom is a stressful feeling. it's unsettling and it's painful at times. it makes you do stupid things, it makes you want to jump off the wall, it makes you pray for a more interesting tomorrow. what has my life come to? at least in the states i can drive to the bookstore or go shopping. but here, i feel like i am trapped. trapped in a life i chose to live. when will i find contentment? when will i finally be happy with the choices i made? i feel like i am wasting precious moments of my life doing nothing, and complaining about the lack of things to do.
this happens to me time to time, this unsettling feeling. i think i am cursed, i may have to constantly move around for the rest of my life. maybe i'll find a job that will allow me to travel. a year of my life will be gone by the time i go back. i'll have grown up more, seen more of the world, and hopefully learned many useful lessons. maybe i'll become a better person for it, maybe i'll become worse. now i don't know anything. everything is unsure. what will life bring me in the rest of my time here? what will life bring me in life after korea? just thinking about these things makes me feel sick to my stomach. somebody save me!!!!!
this happens to me time to time, this unsettling feeling. i think i am cursed, i may have to constantly move around for the rest of my life. maybe i'll find a job that will allow me to travel. a year of my life will be gone by the time i go back. i'll have grown up more, seen more of the world, and hopefully learned many useful lessons. maybe i'll become a better person for it, maybe i'll become worse. now i don't know anything. everything is unsure. what will life bring me in the rest of my time here? what will life bring me in life after korea? just thinking about these things makes me feel sick to my stomach. somebody save me!!!!!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
i have a secret...will you leave with me?
"And then, there's another kind of love: the cruelest kind. The one that almost kills its victims. Its called unrequited love. Of that I am an expert. Most love stories are about people who fall in love with each other. But what about the rest of us? What about our stories, those of us who fall in love alone? We are the victims of the one sided affair. We are the cursed of the loved ones. We are the unloved ones, the walking wounded. The handicapped without the advantage of a great parking space! Yes, you are looking at one such individual."
-Iris (Kate Winslet in The Holiday)
-Iris (Kate Winslet in The Holiday)
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
there are many things you can't understand about me, nor can I understand myself. why am I constantly plagued with boredom? I only try to keep myself busy so I can give my brain a time to rest. I've been feeling the stress of life eating away at me. I know I am still young now, but with youth comes the stress of planning for the future. what do I really want to do with my life?
go to taiwan?
go to MI?
go to graduate school?
I have 8 months left in Korea...I want to make the best of it, but I feel like I am stuck in Wonju. I like my friends here, but sometimes, I feel like I need more. I don't know what I feel like I need, but somehow I feel an empty loneliness I can't describe. I only say I'm bored, but really...I think I am just sad, confused, stressed, and honestly speaking a little bit lonely. I miss my house, my friends, my dogs, my family, and a shot at some sort of contentment. I need some change...I am not perfect, but I am also not stupid. sometimes it's just easier to pretend and act like a kid so that other people can't see the real thoughts going through your head.
is it normal to feel like a 50 year old trapped in the body of a 22 year old?
go to taiwan?
go to MI?
go to graduate school?
I have 8 months left in Korea...I want to make the best of it, but I feel like I am stuck in Wonju. I like my friends here, but sometimes, I feel like I need more. I don't know what I feel like I need, but somehow I feel an empty loneliness I can't describe. I only say I'm bored, but really...I think I am just sad, confused, stressed, and honestly speaking a little bit lonely. I miss my house, my friends, my dogs, my family, and a shot at some sort of contentment. I need some change...I am not perfect, but I am also not stupid. sometimes it's just easier to pretend and act like a kid so that other people can't see the real thoughts going through your head.
is it normal to feel like a 50 year old trapped in the body of a 22 year old?
Thursday, April 17, 2008
same mistake
"I'm not calling for a second chance,
I'm screaming at the top of my voice,
Give me reason, but don't give me choice,
Cos I just might make the same mistake again"
-James Blunt
I'm screaming at the top of my voice,
Give me reason, but don't give me choice,
Cos I just might make the same mistake again"
-James Blunt
Monday, April 14, 2008
Sunday, April 13, 2008
leaving town
i'm seriously thinking about leaving korea. my drama blew up pretty badly and i'm still picking up the pieces. i don't know what to do. should i put in my 2 months notice?
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
i can't believe it's april
sorry for the long absence from my blog. school has been hectic, and my life has been...some sort of warped korean drama. aside from has been ok. i just went on a trip to visit the East Sea (or as most of you know it as the Sea of Japan). we went to a park/museum in Samcheok that was a place where all the statues were phallic objects. and by phallic objects i mean they were statues of penises. apparently barren women go there to touch a penis and they will become fertile. that's the story. it's an old folk story, apparently there was a woman who waited for her lover but the sea washed her away. they dedicate each phallic statue to her to help the fishing haul for the year. Samcheok is a fishing city. It's very rural and country like, but it is also where they filmed the lighthouse scene from one of my favorite korean dramas (Resurrection). it was cool cause once i saw the lighthouse i'm like omg that's it! I have many many pictures to post. many are too explicit but they're just phallic symbols right? not like they're the real thing.
so i also managed to kill the battery in my macbook. now i'm just on the ac adaptor. it's ok though cause i have a spare battery that i bought before i left because i knew that i would kill it before my time in korea was finished. so anyway...our new teacher came to school and is starting his first week of observation. i taped my first speech class speeches a couple of weeks ago, and i have a class that is speeding through beginner one and they're ready to start their book. it's very fun to watch these kids develop and start to pick up your sounds. my korean is getting better as well. slowly day by day, my guitar and my drums (only a little bit) is getting better. considering i started at nothing for the drums, i think i've done an ok job of learning syncopation, shake rhythm, high hat open, etc... as for guitar, i completed my first song, solo and all for "It's My Life" by Bon Jovi. it was quite cool, today i get to play it with live drums and i get to learn the song on drums too. why that song? because it's really easy. the song i'm currently working on is "1985" by Bowling for Soup.
when i was in Samcheok i had my first raw fish experience, the fish there were really fresh so nothing tastes really fishy. and as promised i have pictures from that too. this is going to be a long post, maybe i have to divide it into two posts but here goes part one.
my new friends wonhyup (his nickname is N.E. stands for No English) and his girlfriend jinhee.
raw seafood
veggies and sauce that we eat with it.
jinhee back at the motel, with more fresh seafood "anju" which means drinking food
john, my guitar instructor and my english student
bags and bags of seafood and sauce.
look at the size of that crazy shrimp!
close up of the massive amount of seafood
that's the granddaddy shrimp
there's about 12 chopsticks, 3 soju bottle caps, and 2 dozen toothpicks in there. looks like a birdnest no?
as you can tell soju was our water that night. we were playing drinking games. heh...
people are hilarious when they're drunk
"i'm not drunk...really i'm not..."
she's eating some sort of disgusting tentacle
our side dishes at breakfast
this restaurant is literally someone's house, and they cooked in their kitchen for us and slept in the other room with the tv on while we ate.
a rainy day in the streets of samcheok
close to the lighthouse
lighthouse 1
lighthouse 2
i was climbing on the jacks and i decided to take a picture
wonhyup's dad's fishing boat
this is penis park
they're larger than life
i thought it was a strange form of art
this one actually moves up and down
yes those statues are standing their holding their erect penises
this is the museum portion of it
a miniature of my friend's dad's boat
almost looks like a magazine ad for modern style. hahaha
end of part 1. will finish later
so i also managed to kill the battery in my macbook. now i'm just on the ac adaptor. it's ok though cause i have a spare battery that i bought before i left because i knew that i would kill it before my time in korea was finished. so anyway...our new teacher came to school and is starting his first week of observation. i taped my first speech class speeches a couple of weeks ago, and i have a class that is speeding through beginner one and they're ready to start their book. it's very fun to watch these kids develop and start to pick up your sounds. my korean is getting better as well. slowly day by day, my guitar and my drums (only a little bit) is getting better. considering i started at nothing for the drums, i think i've done an ok job of learning syncopation, shake rhythm, high hat open, etc... as for guitar, i completed my first song, solo and all for "It's My Life" by Bon Jovi. it was quite cool, today i get to play it with live drums and i get to learn the song on drums too. why that song? because it's really easy. the song i'm currently working on is "1985" by Bowling for Soup.
when i was in Samcheok i had my first raw fish experience, the fish there were really fresh so nothing tastes really fishy. and as promised i have pictures from that too. this is going to be a long post, maybe i have to divide it into two posts but here goes part one.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
karma pt. 2
of course i managed to get myself in more dumbass situations. i drank coffee, and soju last night after my concussion thinking bump went down i'm ok. boy was i wrong. i was laying in bed this morning and suddenly i felt cold. like really really really cold. and i was shivering. it was really bad. i refused to go to the hospital for about an hour then finally i felt so sick i had to go. i went and the doctor said i had a fever of 39 celcius. i was told that at 40 you fry your brain. hmm...anyway...i laid there with an iv in my arm for about an hour. my first iv, and my first concussion all in the same week! it's funny how fast karma works on me.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
so i was inline skating today and someone was pushing me. the faster we went the more i knew this was gonna turn out badly. and of course it did. my foot slipped and we both went tumbling. what does that mean? it means that my head eventually came into contact with the ground. it all happened so fast, i couldn't stop it. the huge smack of my head hitting the floor echoed. it was really a nasty fall. i had to get my first CT scan and go to an emergency room. when they did the xray and i stood up my head was spinning so much i couldn't walk, stand or do anything. i thought the night would end well, but it didn't. now i am lying in bed awake, worried about the day to come. i have a lump the size of an apple on the back of my head and 8 hours of teaching to do tomorrow. i feel like vomiting every 2 min. life is really...fucking me over. which is rightly deserved but man...fuck it hurts like a MOTHER FUCKER!
Monday, March 17, 2008
so i've completed my transition into korean life. what was the final step? obtaining my cyworld account. hahaha
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
the pursuit of happiness
what is happiness? and how much of yourself do you have to give up before you can obtain it? quarterlife crisis in korea right now. again...haha it's such a regular thing for me. usually it comes after a long series of stupid decisions. and of course my mistakes get more and more retarded every time especially as i get older because i think that i am older now, i am able to make better decisions but i was wrong.
sorry for the lack of posting, i've been busy. tomorrow night my adult class student invited me to go to a MT which i think is a membership training? it's like...a retreat i think. we're going to chiak san. 40 people are going and we're gonna drink. hahaha what else do they do out here? i dunno but apparently drinking is a great bonding thing.'ll be nice to have a break from my other crazy life. :-X work has been stressful lately, but i'm trying to deal with it. having a social life helps. on the 29th we're supposed to go to the East Sea (Sea of Japan) for a trip with the music academy buddies. my guitar skills are getting better!! i've learned a slow blues solo and a fast blues solo. i never thought i'd be able to hammer on and pull off. and my drums....well it's coming along. i just learned the shake rhythm but it's hard. i get laughed at because it's hard to hit the ride. anyway...i'm getting's only 11. man...age is catching up to me?
sorry for the lack of posting, i've been busy. tomorrow night my adult class student invited me to go to a MT which i think is a membership training? it's like...a retreat i think. we're going to chiak san. 40 people are going and we're gonna drink. hahaha what else do they do out here? i dunno but apparently drinking is a great bonding thing.'ll be nice to have a break from my other crazy life. :-X work has been stressful lately, but i'm trying to deal with it. having a social life helps. on the 29th we're supposed to go to the East Sea (Sea of Japan) for a trip with the music academy buddies. my guitar skills are getting better!! i've learned a slow blues solo and a fast blues solo. i never thought i'd be able to hammer on and pull off. and my drums....well it's coming along. i just learned the shake rhythm but it's hard. i get laughed at because it's hard to hit the ride. anyway...i'm getting's only 11. man...age is catching up to me?
Thursday, March 6, 2008
inline skates and dog guilt
so i bought a pair of rollerblades in korea. i don't know why. they were pretty pricey but they're nice. there's an inline skating track at the stadium next to my apt complex. i went last night, and i wanted to go again this morning but it's snowing. i went with 2 people to go skating, one was very impressive! the other one...not so much. but it's nice that they put in the effort. school has been stressful because one of the teachers "resigned" and got kicked out of the apartment. she was my neighbor, sometimes i went over and sought solace. now not only do i get complained to by the boss, i am the middle person. sometimes i want to rip my hair out, sometimes i want to scream, i've been feeling restless which is why my social life is so important right now. but it's not like the social life is a good one's another series of bad decisions but hey...i am at least learning many things on drums and guitar. maybe one day i will write about it.
currently i've been a bad dog owner. i haven't really been home to play with her because my social life has gotten the best of me. i am trying to find her a good home here so she can have a nice family to live with instead of me. it's not that i don't love her, it's just...i am in korea...i can't stay home with her everyday. especially on weekends when i want to go to seoul. i know i make bad decisions all the time, i really should think things through.
currently i've been a bad dog owner. i haven't really been home to play with her because my social life has gotten the best of me. i am trying to find her a good home here so she can have a nice family to live with instead of me. it's not that i don't love her, it's just...i am in korea...i can't stay home with her everyday. especially on weekends when i want to go to seoul. i know i make bad decisions all the time, i really should think things through.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
seoul trip #???
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