so because i'm working with adults i can exercise some creative flexibility. it's actually pretty cool because i ran it by my head teacher today and he approved. i want to make english more functional so i gave them topics to discuss at the beginning of class. of course when i say topics, i don't mean like...politics etc...but i mean their first topic was vacation. then they have to come up with 3 questions each. i'm thinking about family as the next topic. if anyone else has any suggestions for topics please please please comment!!
as for another idea that i kinda like. (we'll try it tomorrow) is role playing. we're learning about the hand, foot and body. so i thought we could have patient and doctor. so someone talks about symptoms, and the other one will ask what else hurts? how did you get hurt? etc...that way they can use stomach, head, hand, finger, toes, neck, hips, a functional way. something that might be useful to them in the future. next i'm thinking about ordering food/shopping as another role play. any idea on how i should role play learning shapes? i welcome suggestions!!!
as for the other big news for the day...I found a guitar school!! YAY!! lol it's 1 hour 3x a week. it's between work and home. $100 a month. that's a freaking sweet deal right?! they also teach drums there. i'm like ohhhh man i might think about learning that sometime. so MWF are lessons and TTh are practice times for me. we tried another place this morning. but it was a classical guitar studio. classical guitar is WAY cool, it sounds amazing, people who can play are amazing but it's not for me. i kept thinking about it like...should I spend $120 a month doing something that is SO HARD that it takes 2 hours a day just trying to keep my hands a certain way. Rock guitar is so much cooler. they have a fender strat at my school but i think i'm gonna bring my gibson anyway. my teacher doesn't know much english but i'm assuming music is universal so hopefully it'll go smoothly. he plays funk, jazz, blues, rock, etc... i can't wait to start. tomorrow my first lesson is at 12pm. finally...i'm getting things set up in korea!! :)
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Monday, January 28, 2008
an awkward situation
so because i have a few class openings, one of the moms at the school decided she wanted to take my adult class. do you know how awkward that makes me feel? i'm the youngest teacher at the school and i am teaching adults! why?! well probably because i have time in my schedule but still...i can't help but feel a bit awkward. and she drove me home after >.<
what if i'm an awful teacher and she finds out. then she might tell the director and oh god...haha i think i'm just a bit stressed. however i am a little bit excited to get to work with adults. it'll be a fresh change. however i don't get to play stupid games like, omg you have 11 fingers!! i had this kid believing that he had 11 fingers. he counted like 5 times. hahaha it was pretty funny. finally he said "TEACHER!! i only have 10 fingers. i said oh really? did you eat the extra one?" everyone laughed.
oh and 3 of my students tried to kidnap me during my dinner break. they wouldn't let me go! i was like LET GO!! heh...they treat me like a big sister not like a teacher. little respect i get. hahaha but it's ok, they're still learning when they're in class. i got a new class added for tomorrow, i get new students again! YAY!! hopefully they're cute :P today i got a new little boy in my beginning class. he was crying the whole time because he was scared everyone knew the stuff already. and it's true everyone did. so now i have to slow the whole class down to let him catch up. they were doing so well too. my favorite class is actually my 2nd beginner class. i think it's the class i look forward to teaching the most. man...i have this major dilemma. i know i want to continue traveling for the next couple of years. but what am i going to do with ringo? maybe i should have thought about that before i got her, but she makes me so happy when i come home. even though i can't sleep and pick up at least 8 pieces of poop a day. she gives me an excuse to come home, but then i feel like it's such a responsibility and almost like she's going to tie me down. omg...if a dog can tie me down can you imagine what a real family would do to me? many things to think about.
what if i'm an awful teacher and she finds out. then she might tell the director and oh god...haha i think i'm just a bit stressed. however i am a little bit excited to get to work with adults. it'll be a fresh change. however i don't get to play stupid games like, omg you have 11 fingers!! i had this kid believing that he had 11 fingers. he counted like 5 times. hahaha it was pretty funny. finally he said "TEACHER!! i only have 10 fingers. i said oh really? did you eat the extra one?" everyone laughed.
oh and 3 of my students tried to kidnap me during my dinner break. they wouldn't let me go! i was like LET GO!! heh...they treat me like a big sister not like a teacher. little respect i get. hahaha but it's ok, they're still learning when they're in class. i got a new class added for tomorrow, i get new students again! YAY!! hopefully they're cute :P today i got a new little boy in my beginning class. he was crying the whole time because he was scared everyone knew the stuff already. and it's true everyone did. so now i have to slow the whole class down to let him catch up. they were doing so well too. my favorite class is actually my 2nd beginner class. i think it's the class i look forward to teaching the most. man...i have this major dilemma. i know i want to continue traveling for the next couple of years. but what am i going to do with ringo? maybe i should have thought about that before i got her, but she makes me so happy when i come home. even though i can't sleep and pick up at least 8 pieces of poop a day. she gives me an excuse to come home, but then i feel like it's such a responsibility and almost like she's going to tie me down. omg...if a dog can tie me down can you imagine what a real family would do to me? many things to think about.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
mini cujo
a bit of the homesick blues

Wednesday, January 23, 2008
a kick to your olfactory senses

as for when i came home...i got another kick in the nose. the scent of dog poop floated through the air as i opened the door. windows closed, heater on, all the air have to understand that if i didn't have a stuffy nose...i probably would have tossed my cookies. but it's all good because at least my dog now knows when he is in the room to poop on the mat! i was so proud of her! because now i don't have to scrap dried dog poop off the heated floor. yes tis my life poop and dog pee. anyway...a plus is when i'm on the computer, she just sleeps by my feet. it's absolutely adorable. and i think she's becoming a little less vicious. less biting of the toes and leg.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
in my life...
"there are places i remember
all my life though some have changed
some forever not for better
some have gone and some remain
all these places have their moments
with lovers and friends i still can recall
some are dead and some are living
in my life i've loved them all"
-In My Life (The Beatles)
all my life though some have changed
some forever not for better
some have gone and some remain
all these places have their moments
with lovers and friends i still can recall
some are dead and some are living
in my life i've loved them all"
-In My Life (The Beatles)
i figured a beatles song would be appropriate since ringo is getting acquainted to the band that inspired her name. so a quick blurb about my day. i had to go to the doctor's today because i've been having a really bad cold. i mean the kind where i'd actually go and willingly get a shot in the butt for. coughing, stuffy nose, sore throat, the works! so now i'm on this 3 day pill regimen. there are about 6 pills in each individual pack. 3 times a day after meals. i have no idea what's in them but...when in rome...die as romans die :P
Monday, January 21, 2008
an adult class
i just got a college age class today. they decided to pair me up with them to help them with their pronunciation. it's a bit hard because i'm almost the same age as them. they're 3 years younger than me. but their level of english after studying for 10 years is at...maybe the 3rd grade in terms of how much the kids that studied the whole time at our hagwon is at. it's pretty hard talking to them and not being able to communicate as well with them. with the kids at least i can make them say something over and over and over and over again without feeling so bad. here...well it's a bit of an awkward situation. and my class doesn't end till 10pm...which sucks really bad because my poor puppy is at home by herself until then :(
speaking of my puppy...
i decided to call her りんご (which is starr and like りんご apple)
speaking of my puppy...
i decided to call her りんご (which is starr and like りんご apple)
ringo...or ramen? midori or soju?
but i also liked midori which is green in japanese also a melon flavored liqueur, or soju because well it's appropriate in korea.
my favorite color is green so midori would be cool. i can't name her soju because if i tell her principal and the kids that name they'll think i'm crazy!!!
as for ramen...i just thought it was kinda cute :) she's like the perfect asian dog...she acts like an angel in front of strangers so she doesn't ruin her image, but is obnoxious at home. hahhaa anyway...she's a cocker spaniel pup that is only 2 months old. as you can tell she is very small. that is the bottom of my computer chair.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
the ides of january
if when you guys ever come out here to korea i'll be sure to take you out all the time. as for ms. wenger...I will send you something eventually.. my lazy ass has not figured out the postal system here. :P
Classes have been fun so far this week. One of my classes likes to race through reading a book so I pull out my cellphone and we use the stopwatch to time them. Of course I like to join in too so we race to see who can read it the fastest with minimal mistakes. These poor kids spend their morning in regular school and their afternoons with us. They have no childhoods so I try my best to have fun with them while still letting them learn. After we read Big Bird's Copycat Day, I let them play a game of simon says. Sometimes if we finish a book, we play hangman with the words to help them work on spelling and recognizing words. Or we play pictionary with the words in the book, today I tried charades. If I call it a game they enjoy it. The best part is that these kids find amusement in everything.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
new hat

i went shopping today. it was a very awful snowy day i was late to work because it was wet and slippery. then after work i went shopping for stuff. bought a hat, 2 shirts, and a coat. i also got a big towel and a bathmat. in total i spent about...$140 :-X however it's better than spending $40 on a shirt at hard rock right? haha my shirt from hard rock in seoul says "all you need is rock!" how sweet is that? :)
Friday, January 11, 2008
cake, scrabble, and too much soju
Thursday, January 10, 2008
my awesome kids
i had some with them in it but i can't put them online and it's understandable with weird pedos all over the internet. anyway...i'm gonna have a low key birthday and i think we're gonna play some scrabble that's about it.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
teary eyes
so i made my first boy cry yesterday. i felt really bad because usually he's very playful and nonchalant about everything but he had that guilty face so i thought he took the other boy's eraser. so i told him he'd better not be lying. then he started crying when we found it under the other boy's book he just didn't feel it. i was like omg...damn it. and i told the little boy i was sorry and wrote in the notes for him in the book so he would stop crying. gawwdddd that was awful i can't deal with tears. oh and the other boy was crying (not my fault) because his mom gave him a perm and he hates it (i mean who gives their LITTLE BOY A PERM?!?!) and so he kept his hood on because he was embarrassed. this girl pulled it off and he started crying. so first him and then after was the one i made cry. *sigh* and then i told the class no more crying today!!! it made me all stressed out. at least i had a reading class after with older kids. they're less likely to cry which is great because i don't know how to deal with crying. it makes me uncomfortable.
the good news was that the boy that was a brat last week was an angel after his mom probably scolded him. he read with us and practiced his words. i was like omg...what a change. so yes...the stupid daily rantings of a new teacher. it's actually weird to say i'm a teacher. most of the time i feel like i'm just playing with them. :P
the good news was that the boy that was a brat last week was an angel after his mom probably scolded him. he read with us and practiced his words. i was like omg...what a change. so yes...the stupid daily rantings of a new teacher. it's actually weird to say i'm a teacher. most of the time i feel like i'm just playing with them. :P
Monday, January 7, 2008
seoul trip #2
Thursday, January 3, 2008
my first week
i actually found teaching to be quite enjoyable. i'm sure some of the kids hate me since i make them say the same words over and over and over and over again until it's lost all meaning and sounds but in the end they will thank me because they won't sound like fobs when they talk. actually it's kind of fun because i'm trying to think of all the words that i hate when fobs say it and i'm correcting them so that these kids will never sound like they lived in another country. they won't have a weird accent or anything. my reading classes are amazing. they're such smart and cute kids. i have a lot of fun with the beginners too. they're very tiny and they don't understand half of what i say. i tried to make it fun for them though with various ways. sometimes the principal comes over because we're always giggling in class. my kids love to giggle. i have no idea why! i'm not that funny :P however i do like to do stupid stuff to make them laugh. it really is just trying to find the most creative way for them to learn while still enjoying their hour or hour and a half they are required to stay with me.
all in all i think it was a great first week. my last class today was a bit on the bad side but they were ok. they didn't understand as much as my others and they aren't beginner beginners. there is one boy in my science class. omg he's the cutest little boy i've ever seen!!! when he wears his vest he hides half his face in it. he's smaller than everyone else and oh so cute. there's actually another little boy in my first beginner class that is adorable too. i just want to pinch his cheeks and make him laugh. haha i guess i never thought i would enjoy it as much as i do. hopefully next week will go just as well as this week went. we'll have to see though.
i got a cell phone today. i put the number up on the side contact info. maybe in time i can get some pictures of my class up.
all in all i think it was a great first week. my last class today was a bit on the bad side but they were ok. they didn't understand as much as my others and they aren't beginner beginners. there is one boy in my science class. omg he's the cutest little boy i've ever seen!!! when he wears his vest he hides half his face in it. he's smaller than everyone else and oh so cute. there's actually another little boy in my first beginner class that is adorable too. i just want to pinch his cheeks and make him laugh. haha i guess i never thought i would enjoy it as much as i do. hopefully next week will go just as well as this week went. we'll have to see though.
i got a cell phone today. i put the number up on the side contact info. maybe in time i can get some pictures of my class up.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
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