birthday scrabble...in wonju south korea

we are nerds...

3 bottles of soju, 2 bottles of beer, 4 girls, an ice cream cake, and a game of scrabble. (i got 2nd)

peach soju...it's the only way to go!

the end of the game. and grope was my word. someone made it gropes and stole more points from it...bastard *shakes fist*

isn't that the coolest cake ever?! not that you can really tell the details from the picture but it's lady fingers around the cake and there is actually no cake, only cubes of cherry ice cream on top of a chunk of half cherry and half chocolate chip ice cream.

22nd birthday after work with a couple of coworkers. and yes...i am wearing shorts because this is after work and we're at my neighbor's house. :P

i know i look like a slob and i'm in my pjs and a sweatshirt but hey! it's my birthday and i can dress badly if i want to :P and CONNIE IF YOU'RE READING THIS THANKS FOR THE SCARF!! (i'm wearing it in the picture) :)

more details to the cake, see? just cubes of ice cream and ladyfingers around the edges. mmmm....alll we did was dig in with spoon. hahaha
What a great smile! It looks like a great birthday, you scrabble-fiend. How sweet are your kids . . . aaaah! That made me a little teary!
Happy day, friend.
wow intereting cake, hope you had a good b-day, ttyl
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