so i was lying in bed thinking about the states. i actually found myself missing the streets of berkeley. walking through campus, rollerblading down the hills, waiting for the bus that damn 51 that comes when you don't need it and never comes when you do, going to work on sundays at the bookstore hoping to sell at least $200 worth of books, and walking on durant contemplating what to eat. blondies? noah's? asian ghetto? man...what i'd give to have some naan n' curry or an IB's hogie! Smart Alec's airbaked fries and awesome cornbread. *sigh* the almost endless possibility of food available. at the time i took it for granted now, everyday my life is filled with homecooked frozen dumplings, cereal, ramen, kimchi (actually that sounds like life at the apt) but eating out here...i must say i miss the variety. i miss 168!! and chicken steak rice with an egg. i miss trying to race over to cheeseboard after class only to find that it's closed. i even miss the gym, and the track, and boxing in the smelling underground of the RSF. (believe it or not, i don't just miss the food :P) i think i'll make a trip there before i go to taiwan (if i don't get tired of living abroad) i miss hanging out at my apt, stuffing too many chinese people into a tiny apt. getting drunk, mixing drinks, and making my roommates taste them. i want to rollerblade or bike to richmond through the path by hearst park. i want to go to the farmer's market where vendors speak english and sell awesome cherry tomatoes. i want to take random walks to safeway and continue exploring parts of berkeley i never knew existed while having conversations about nothing and everything. it seems to pass the time much faster. ohh and i forgot about SF, clubbing at night, walking to fisherman's wharf, shopping in union square, *sigh* chinatown dimsum. man...there's certainly a lot to think about.

as for LA...i miss my room and my 7' clive owen poster! i miss ROCK BAND until 5am, going to wood ranch with my friends, hanging out with my sis, clubbing in hollywood. i miss an awesome night out where you hear a few great bands play and enjoy the ringing sensation of losing another decibel of hearing. i miss waiting outside the troubadour in a line that wraps around the side of the building. i miss listening to my music on 5.1 speakers and playing along on my amp. i guess maybe i might just come back and not live abroad for another year. maybe i'll come home and get my music business certificate with the internship. work my way up at a record company...then i can listen to new music all the time. haha i don't know...maybe i'm just having a nostalgic moment, once i realize how much i hate living AT home i will regret coming back. maybe i'll just get my own place, but i won't have a car. i don't want to tell my parents if i go back to the states because they'll just make me live at home. they'll make me take care of that monster dog! (not that ringo is any better right now >.<) but at least she's mine and she's cute! i miss learning new stuff on guitar and feeling inspired to keep playing. i miss speaking english normally! i miss talking to people and having conversations that don't consist of what is your name? how old are you? what's your favorite color? i miss not having to explain everything i say and feeling like people generally understand what i say. i miss talking to adults...i mean i have a few friends here, but we're at work for 30 hours a week, finally when the weekend comes we just want to relax. don't get me wrong, i love my kids, they're amazing and cute and smart. but i think i just need some variety.

i feel like a dam just broke, i just needed to rant and reminisce about a life i won't be able to live again for another...10.5 months. EEEPP!!! and my neighbor/coworker who i like to party with on weekends might be quiting and leaving in march. *cries* i hope they replace her with someone cool.
"Wherever you go, go with all your heart." - Confucius
Look back for a while and refresh your eyes, when ready, render them more fit for their prime function of looking forward.
Oh, honey, you're missed too.
You're fit to explore the world, but if you do come back, remember that you are in charge of your life, not your parents. You don't have to live with them. You don't have to live by their rules. I know that is easy for me to say, but I know you can stand up to them. Cue cheesy dance music now, because girl, YOU GOT THE POWA!
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