my dog has the worse temper in the world. she attacks my feet and hands. i think she didn't get socialized properly because she was taken away too young. i don't know where to find a specialist in korea that specializes in puppy behavior. she is like...dr. jekyl and mrs. hyde!!! look at her isn't she adorable? but today she scared the living daylights out of a 7 month old dog who we thought was going to be her playmate. she bit her and kept barking and chasing her. you have to know my mini cujo is half the size of kimchi (coworker's dog) but we're hoping that after awhile they'll calm down and become friends and keep each other company. that way maybe his dog can fix mine and teach her to calm down. she does really cute things like sleep under my neck, but i feel like i almost have to keep one eye open in case she goes for the jugular >.<

Luke, Kimchi, and the worn out little pup Ringo. Cute eh? she's so tired haha. the only time kimchi would approach her was when she was asleep.
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