Monday, January 28, 2008

an awkward situation

so because i have a few class openings, one of the moms at the school decided she wanted to take my adult class. do you know how awkward that makes me feel? i'm the youngest teacher at the school and i am teaching adults! why?! well probably because i have time in my schedule but still...i can't help but feel a bit awkward. and she drove me home after >.<

what if i'm an awful teacher and she finds out. then she might tell the director and oh god...haha i think i'm just a bit stressed. however i am a little bit excited to get to work with adults. it'll be a fresh change. however i don't get to play stupid games like, omg you have 11 fingers!! i had this kid believing that he had 11 fingers. he counted like 5 times. hahaha it was pretty funny. finally he said "TEACHER!! i only have 10 fingers. i said oh really? did you eat the extra one?" everyone laughed.

oh and 3 of my students tried to kidnap me during my dinner break. they wouldn't let me go! i was like LET GO!! heh...they treat me like a big sister not like a teacher. little respect i get. hahaha but it's ok, they're still learning when they're in class. i got a new class added for tomorrow, i get new students again! YAY!! hopefully they're cute :P today i got a new little boy in my beginning class. he was crying the whole time because he was scared everyone knew the stuff already. and it's true everyone did. so now i have to slow the whole class down to let him catch up. they were doing so well too. my favorite class is actually my 2nd beginner class. i think it's the class i look forward to teaching the most. man...i have this major dilemma. i know i want to continue traveling for the next couple of years. but what am i going to do with ringo? maybe i should have thought about that before i got her, but she makes me so happy when i come home. even though i can't sleep and pick up at least 8 pieces of poop a day. she gives me an excuse to come home, but then i feel like it's such a responsibility and almost like she's going to tie me down. omg...if a dog can tie me down can you imagine what a real family would do to me? many things to think about.


Christina said...

There might be a really cool couple in Pasadena who could take care of Ringo just like they take care of Guitar Hero. Hint, hint.

As for training her, separating her when she's bad is a great technique. Lock her in the bathroom any time she misbehaves. What she wants most in the world is to be part of the pack, and you need to prove you're the head of the pack, letting her in and out when she behaves the way you want her to.

Christine said...

hahaha that sounds like a SWEET idea :) i don't mind the really cool couple taking care of Ringo for awhile. (except that she really is a brat, but if they don't mind brats...) Currently she is at my coworker's house beating up the other dog while I'm enjoying some time alone. I spent the time cleaning up the house. vacuuming, mopping, changing pee pads, etc...

I do lock her in the other room, but the thing is, she's in the other room when I'm out of the house too, so she's probably confused when it's time for me to leave and when she's in trouble. She kept giving me kisses on the way over to my coworker's house. it made me sad. but it had to be done. MWF are my long days. I'm gone for 8 hrs so it's nice that she has a playmate.