Tuesday, January 15, 2008

the ides of january

as alan and angelina liked to say, "beware of the ides of january" hahaha i must say, do my friends love me or what?! they rock! I got books, oatmeal, granola bars, mac and cheese, gloves, a cami, movies, goldfish, and gum! of course i couldn't fit them all in the picture so here are just a few things they sent me! my package i ordered from yesasia came today too so it was like xmas in january!! THANKS ANGELINA, ALAN, and MS. WENGER (whom i still can't call christina) hahaha. You guys ROCK!!

if when you guys ever come out here to korea i'll be sure to take you out all the time. as for ms. wenger...I will send you something eventually.. my lazy ass has not figured out the postal system here. :P

Classes have been fun so far this week. One of my classes likes to race through reading a book so I pull out my cellphone and we use the stopwatch to time them. Of course I like to join in too so we race to see who can read it the fastest with minimal mistakes. These poor kids spend their morning in regular school and their afternoons with us. They have no childhoods so I try my best to have fun with them while still letting them learn. After we read Big Bird's Copycat Day, I let them play a game of simon says. Sometimes if we finish a book, we play hangman with the words to help them work on spelling and recognizing words. Or we play pictionary with the words in the book, today I tried charades. If I call it a game they enjoy it. The best part is that these kids find amusement in everything.


cpp11187 said...

LOL, your so popular, getting so much stuff on the same day. :) Hope you liked what we sent you and what you ordered, ttyl, l8rz

Christina said...

Yay! I'm so glad you received that. I can't wait to hear what you think of the books.