Wednesday, October 14, 2009

tim roth, starcraft and blogs

TJ Thyne
Tim Roth!!
so i find it much more interesting to read other people's blogs and read about other people's lives rather than blogging about my own. it's not really that interesting. i started taking music theory lessons at my music school. my teacher's pretty cool, he's a bass player that wants to go to holland to study jazz. apparently there's a good school out there.

i just started playing starcraft though. it is so complicated and annoying at times but oh so addicting. i had told myself i wouldn't start it but a couple of my friends (non-koreans) wanted to play since we were all beginners and living in a country where starcraft is on 2 tv channels we decided we were going to play. i tried protoss and zerg. i haven't tried terran yet but i heard from a korean it was pretty hard. any thoughts? ideas? tips? strategies? i would like to be relatively decent so i can at least carry my own in a game with koreans, but i am way out of their league. *cries*

tim roth rocks...he just does. i don't know why. lie to me is great. the show gets mixed reviews but i love it. tim roth is amazing and i know it's another crime show but it's got more twist. i like bones too, but booth and bones both look so old now. Hodgens is great though...i really like him. TJ Thyne. his eyes are intense and he's got cute curly hair. he is a bit short though, however he's just eye candy ^^ all this starcraft and music theory is overwhemling. i feel like my brain might pop.


luman said...

wow... i never thought i would read a post from you that contained a starcraft screenshot. my strategy was always to put in cheat codes, so i don't think i can help you. i think my only tip would be to always be producing units/expanding. don't end the game having lost with like 10k in resources.

Christine said...

haha i know but you knew that staying in korea long enough would mean playing starcraft. i'm always running out of resources so trust me i'm always making stuff but i'm learning more each day.