Friday, May 16, 2008

teacher's day

yesterday was teacher's day in korea. that meant that many of the students brought us gifts. i got a couple of flowers, a cake, some chocolates, and a bottle of shampoo. i know it's been a long time since i've written about my students because life outside of school has been so hectic. my students are crazy, they're smart, they're cute, and....sometimes they're awful. haha i don't know how many times i've had to tell the same kids to sit down in their seats, on their butts and not on their knees. i think being a teacher makes me appreciate all the teachers i've had in my life that have pushed me to do my best and believe in me. i think sometimes some kids just need that person to push you, be patient and try to help you understand. somehow i don't think i am the right person, but i think most of the kids are learning. it's hard to focus on the strugglers when you can see all the potential in the other students that are excelling in a class. if the whole class was at the same level it would be easier to put more focus on each kid, but i have one class that is really smart and they put a really young girl in there. i feel bad when i can't focus on her because we're moving so fast through the material. the other 4 students have been my students since i first started teaching at this school. they're my pride and joy. they've only been my students and nobody else's. it's amazing to watch them improve, grow up, and get so big so fast! i had some kids that didn't know their ABCs and now they're blasting through tests with perfect scores. i'm so proud of them, i hope that with the rest of my time here i can change some lives for the better and be a memorable part of their young lives.

1 comment:

Christina said...

I'm glad you have something positive going on.

Hang in there. You are loved, even if not in the way you want.