Wednesday, December 19, 2007

attack of the flu

i came down with the flu and i've been bedridden for...2 days. i started work and had to leave early but i'm actually been taken care of very well. the wonjangnim brought me jook and let me go home early with some meds as well. then she brought me tea in class. she's like a second mother. very a really lovely lady and i am lucky to have her as a boss. the other teachers are also very nice, we're going on a trip through korea, first starting in pusan this weekend and we'll finish in seoul just in time to ring in the new years! YAY!!! haha that's something i'm really looking forward to. i bought my first bottle of soju today...and it's something like...95 cents a bottle? i haven't drank it yet of course because i have the flu and i've been on meds. it's kinda chilly in my apt. right now but i turned up the heat so hopefully it warms up soon. *yawns* i'm lacking english conversations. so please...comment if you're reading this or email me. i always appreciate emails so i feel like there are still people who understand my music and my taste in movies. the only thing i think these kids and i have in common is harry potter. that and the perpetual cough that everyone seems to have. oh and these kids are convinced i'm korean but i just don't know it. it's quite cute and amusing.

i have to set off maybe tomorrow to find a gift for my coworkers. we're doing a gift exchange, however that means i actually have to go out and buy gifts!! meaning i have to GO OUT BY MYSELF!!! lol i know i can be kinda of a pussy sometimes because these people keep TALKING TO ME!!! i don't even know what they're saying :'( i feel like a leper. oh one of the kids called me a giant today because i am taller than the head teacher. i don't mind at least he didn't call me an elephant like he called one of the other teachers :-X. i have yet to find a guitar teacher, and yet to find a guitar amp, or a korean tutor, or cute boys. hahhaa anyway...i'm going to shower, brush my teeth and sleep. i've got another day watching classes. GOOD DAY ALL!!!

1 comment:

cpp11187 said...

Soju for 95cents, that's not good you'll be buying that instead of water lol, JK, l8rz